Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014

Heeeyyy family!!
Wow, what a week! It was AMAZING! I absolutely love serving with hermana caballero. She has so much faith; i am learning so much from her. She also speaks spanish like a boss. We´re having so much fun together!! Hahahahaa!! 
We had such a week full of miracles and blessings. I feel like Heavenly Father was helping us prepare for General Conference because I absolutely LOVED these sessions! I can´t wait to read them all, but I learned soo much. I loved the common themes of loving others always and enduring with trials. I really feel like we´re being prepared and our investigators are being prepared. Not only with us, but also the other missionaries. 
Our first morning together, we were able to have a street lesson with this man named Juan and we were able to talk about the Restoration. It went really well and we gave him a book of mormon and he told us he would read it. He said something that I will never forget; He said that normally, he never sits in where he was sitting then. Today, he said he had a feeling that he should sit in this bench facing the street and the crowd. Then we talked to him. It went really well and we had a second lesson with him. He had already read a bunch from the book of mormon and he had a lot of questions. As he opened it up, we could see that he had written notes in the margins. He had really good questions and it´s such a pleasure to talk with him.
We had a powerful lesson with Alex. We talked to him about being baptized this next coming saturday and he said that the only thing stopping him from being baptized was his family. They would definitely not agree, he said. We were able to talk about the roles and gift of the Holy Ghost. e challenged him to be baptized the next week and he said that if he receives his answer after general conference, he´ll do it. He could only come to priesthood and apparently there was a talk about being valient. German Guerra, a member that befriended him, came up to him afterwards and said that his decision to be baptized is a valient choice, but one he´ll have to make. he said that he couldn´t get baptized this week...but next week yes!!! AAAHHH!!!!
So we have an investigator named Julian. He had a fecha but always showed up drunk at our lessons. He was in love with hermana fowers. we had a lesson with julian. haha it was soooo funny. so we were planning on meeting him at the church and we had just finished a lesson with kalman in the park. we were catching the guagua when we saw julian!! he said he would speak to us but only for a moment because he said he was supposed to go to the church to meet with miss fowers...HHAHAHAHAA!!! he didn´t last long because the police starting sniffing around, looking for residency cards. he said he was sick and literally DASHED off. wow. we´re not seeing him again. 
Conference was SO AWESOME!! Because of the time change, we were able to watch all the conference sessions. the only ones in the mission!! We had our own little room for the english speakers and we watched it on the buhlers laptop. (btdubs-thanks candy for the photos!! hermana buhler and I had a good laugh!!)
So it´s literally getting sooo hot here now. I´ve already gotten a nice tan in :) Amen to street lessons!!! Heat and sun also means naked europeans on beaches which stinks because most of our lessons are in those proximities. 
HAHAHAA i´m soooo sorry but there´s this guy sitting next to me in the locutorio doing dances and directing and singing to whatever is on the screen. i am trying SOHARDNOTTOLAUGH. 
hahaa, well!! love ya!! 
Hermana Smith

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