Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24, 2013

[A paragraph from Dad to Kinsey. It's included to followup into Kinsey's letter]
"..... don't be too hard on your self. I like Elder Holland's talk last conference. "So be kind regarding human frailty, your own as well as that of those with whom you serve. . . . imperfect people are all God has ever had to work with. That must be terribly frustrating to Him, but He deals with it. So should we.."
Remember that we are here to learn. Just don't make the same mistakes twice or more times. That's not learning or progressing. You'll do great. The language will come if you work on it and have faith."

Thanks for the advice dad! thats great, i remember listening to that and thinking OUCH!! There´s another sting from Holland!
hola familia!!! Wow its great to hear from you guys. I´m sorry i´m not writing specific letters to a bunch of people, its difficult for me to concentrate on certain letters for a long time and hermana hansen is SO much faster than me at writing so i gotta get off when she gets off!! but i´m glad your week was fun, even though it was stressful. did you bring griz to the campout? a ride down the slide? i gotta know! but we didn´t get to watch the training meeting and no i wasn´t in the audience. it was midnight here so we´re watching it the 30th. but apparently there are new rules and new changes!! hahaa we read the white hand book everyday and its soooo old now. they need a new one.
my camera cord would be nice. but i can buy one  here i think. its just actually buying it is the problem. no tengo tiempo!
It´s really funny that you mention my room and expecting it to be cluttered! many times, whenever i drop food on the floor, i open my mouth to call for griz and remember that he´s not there!! hahaa old habits die hard i guess.
but honestly, this week has FLOWN by! no joke. and this week is already super busy so this transfers going to fly! i´m super scared. but apart from that, it was filled with so many miracles. I loved it so much!
My spanish is improving. I´m really good now at making people think I can speak spanish. I just smile and nod, always keeping hermana hansen in my pereferals (huh? don´t know how to spell that) and copy whatever she´s doing. plus i have a pretty good accent. not gonna lie. my norweigy (as hermana munden and i call her) is still working on me speaking more in lessons because honestly half the time I don´t even know what they´re talking about!! But it´s all good and it´s usually only an hour of torture.
hhahahaa so yesterday, i had some weird impressions. Remember, dad, when you said you had bishop impressions? well i had stinking TRAINER intuitions. scared. me. to. death. I wrote president about it and advized him not to do that. it´d be less stressful for the new baby and for him.
While contacting in Vicalvaro, Hermana Hansen y I contacted this man from Nigeria. He said he was baptized in 2000 and hasnt gone to church in a long time. We invited him to church and met with him the saturday before. He is the sweetest man ever and wanted answers to some questions he had from reading in the bible and in the book of mormon. He showed up on Sunday for church and he said he´ll be coming back to church! It was such a miracle meeting him.
As a personal goal, I wanted to contact everyone that I can that´s in the old carpeta de área that the elders left behind. Its been so much fun contacting these people! We haven´t had any success at setting up any appointments but I feel better that we´re contacting them. hahaaa i hand the phone over to hermana hansen whenever they go off in spanish and thank heavens we sound alike. i think they get really confused because i start by saying, hola! soy la hermana smith de la iglesia de jesucristo....and she ends with, oh soy hermana hansen...hahaa its pretty funny. but so many registro´s will say to contact him in this time or contact him in that time and they never do! its really irritating but i love it because its spring cleaning, as mom puts it.
I´ve run into a little hiccup, for me at least. We have an investigator, named Jorge, that has a testimony of the Book of Mormon and of José Smith and of everything, but he´s grown up very Orthodostic-ly (if that makes any sense) and he´s telling people that he´ll be baptized but he´ll still be an orthodox. Maybe because I grew up in the Church and I want them to be converted before they´re baptized its blinded me from his real desire, I don´t know!! My real thought is that we can´t stop them from being baptized when they believe everything but the mindset is not where it should be. I hope I make sense...thats just been a thought of my for the past couple of days.
OH this friday i have my first baptism!! its Inussa and he is such a gem! he is seriously the most chill guy. ever. I´m always doing something and jumping or whistling and I´ll ask him, esta animado??!!!! and he´ll say, in the most UN-animado voice, Sí, siempre animado. siempre felic. he´s the man. it´s awesome because he is ´´siempre animado´´ to do what the Lord´s asks us to do. oooh look for him on facebook!! his name is Inusboy, hhahahahaaa!!!
welp, thats all!! keep the letters coming !! i love hearing from people. you guys are awesome and i hope you have a fantastic week!! love you mucho!! beso´s from me!!
Hermana Kinsey Smith

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