Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

Hey family!!! This week was sweeeeeeelllllllll!! But seriously, we saw SO many miracles. We could definitely feel the Lord´s hand in our lives. Hermana Fowers and I tried harder to find new people and also to feel more of the Spirit in our lessons and help the investigators. It´s seriously so amazing to see the miracles and the changes in their lives. We both felt that this week was a far more productive week than any other week we´ve had together! Ah! i love the mission so much!!!!
We went contacting for awhile and we focused on the book of mormon only. It was such a success!! We were so blessed with the lessons on the streets that we had and to be truthful, our contacts were not only contacts, they were future members. We could feel the spirit so much and could really focus on their needs, even though we didn´t even know them. With each of these contacts we have set an appointment or we´ve already had a lesson with them. It´s been awwweessoommee!! (for lack of words. i´ve been trying harder to use better vocabulary but its just been hard. there´s only so many times i can use swell or jolly good.)
We had another meeting with our zone and they talked about contacting better and also dropping those investigators that aren´t progressing to find new people to teach. By the end of the meeting, we had made a list of people that we need to talk with and have a DTR lesson. It was really sad to think of dropping them, but we know that it´s what we need to do and it will help us find new people to teach.
Some more miracles this week is that we have 5 fechas! (to save dad some time on google translate, fecha means date). And we feel like most of them will stick good. Fi is progressing but he still has some doubts about the prophet. Other than that he´s good! He could be baptized any moment but we´re going to wait for his answer. His date is this saturday. Two of our new investigators are Julian and Steven. Julian is canarian and he really humbles us. He has so much faith in God and Jesús Christ and its almost like we´re teaching a child. He´s always so excited to come and talk to us and asks when we can start talking about ´´jehová´´. We gave him a Word of wisdom lesson quickly because he smokes a pack a day and its a bad addiction for him. He´s ready and really wants to be baptized. His fecha´s the 29th! Last lesson he came to, he brought blank paper to write Steven is from Ghana and Works sundays :( But he says he´ll prepare to be baptized and he has a lot of questions. He Works a lot so its a Little difficult to meet with him. He´s a good man.
Our other two are Polo and Francisco and they´re brothers. We´ve been teaching them awhile and they´ve both have lived a hard life of alcohol and drugs. Polo is amazing and he is soooo excited to be baptized!! I´ve talked about him before and he´s the one that doesn´t have a leg. We had an amazing lesson about the gift of the Holy Ghost this week. We set a fecha for the 29th and he wants to be baptized!! He came to church on sunday for the 3rd or 4th time and a member was giving a talk. this member has helped us a lot with polo and francisco in lessons and is their friend now. So he goes up to speak and the member gives a talk about helping us in lessons! He asks them to stand up and announces their baptism date. Haha, not going to lie, I did sweat a few bullets about this. But Polo and Francisco came up to us and him and thanked us profusely! They absolutely loved it because Polo liked how all the members turned around and smiled at him. Oh, my heart still swells with joy when I think of this. He is SO excited and his countenance has changed 180. We´ve had a couple of members come up to us and tell us to be careful with them but we know that there is hope for every child of God, no matter the past they have had. Not going to lie, they both look what they lived: hard lives. But we know the tender and humble hearts they have and their desires. And we know that God and Jesús Christ know :) AH. I love them so much!!!!!
I truly love being a full-time missionary. I love this work so much and it really breaks my heart to think that its short for everyone. Like Bruce said, I´ll be coming back and leaving again with a few more clothes!! haha!!
Love you all!
Hermana Smith

ok. moms questions:
Fi: already explained.
Transfers: so usually missionaries are on the islands for 4 transfers and hermana fowers and I have the same amount of we don´t know what will happen.
Guys: its an highly highly HIGHLY unusual day if someone doesn´t make a comment at us. mostly of men 40yrs to 80yrs.
Buhlers: they end their mission at the end of april.

(these are pictures fowarded from hermana fowers so thats why the first one is of food)
-eating with an argentine woman!!! don´t kknow what its called....
-eating at the Wok with all the missionaries on this island. thanks buhlers!
-this family is from Salta argentina and she made this argentine dish because she knew jason served there!! they´re amazing.
-just this morning with the buhlers and the sullivans! they´re the senior couple from when i was in the mtc and in b6 and they came down to visit. its been wonderful seeeing them!

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