Thursday, March 21, 2013

Match 23, 2013: Sister Smith's first letter - arrival in Madrid

Note: Sister Smith's plane landed in Madrid on March 20 about 6am Spain time, which is 11pm Idaho time (on March 19)  :)

Things are good here in España. Sorry it took so long for me to write. I was talking to this lady who was giving us a freakin long tour guide of Madrid and she said I wouldn´t be able to write you guys until next Thursday.
what the heck?!

Then I found out that we were supposed to write to you guys and that its polite to write to you guys cuz you gotta know I´m alive apparently. ;)

In the Madrid CCM (MTC), there are 55 missionaries, including myself. Its awesome cuz its like one big happy family!! There are 2 Russians here and one of them was 19 cm short of being in the London Olympics for the shot put. Or whatever its called.

Oooh I also found out that we are the first missionaries to EVER come from home. All the rest went 3 weeks in Provo then 6 weeks here. We are legend.

I was a little dazed from about 6am til about 13:00 so I hadn´t quite grasped the fact that I was sitting in one of the coolest cities in the world. When 13:00 hit, lets just say thoughts like ´´what the heck am I doing here´´ were running (more like sprinting) through my head. then I told myself to suck it up and get to work!! While I was berating myself, I felt this HUGE peace come over me. Then all of a sudden, I felt this HUGE love for everyone around me and I was so awed to know that ohmygosh-THIS IS THE BEST MTC EVAH!!!!! I´M a lot happier.
I slept through all the flights so I was totally fine with sleep for a while. Food here is uh somewhat appealing  but I ate the pasta. Wh and my poor chicken leg still had some feathers on it that I had to pick off.

hahaa as my CCM president said, our ´´name tags are still in customs´´. so I won´t have a name tag for awhile!!
Its 7:30 here and I haven´t eaten yet. I know I´m going to lose a TON of weight. But I still haven't gotten into mom's cookie stash in my luggage ;)

I´ll send a picture when I can. things have been sooo hectic and I feel like I´ve been here for weeks instead of just a day. Heck I´ve been here 12 hours!! Oh man I love it here. There´s such a sweet spirit here and everyone is so cool. With it being so small, we´ve been able to personally know the CCM president and his wife. Things are a lot more chill here too!

My companions name is Hermana Griffin and she´s cool. We´re gonna kick butt and try to memorize a bunch of scriptures in Espanol!!

I´m still learning the lisp, but I´ve figured out where all the extra th´s go. It sound pretty cool so far!!
Thanks for being such an awesome fam bam. I couldn´t be like this with out yáll.  My p-day is on Thursdays and we can do whatever the heck we want!! They literally kick us out of the CCM to go out and see the city. Fine by me ;)

I LOVE YOU!!!! I´ll hear from you next Thursday!!
Con amor
kinsey poo

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