Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10, 2013

que pasa...stupid computer...any whoo...just copy and paste the first part...
It was filled with so many miracles, big and small. I have truly never been so blessed in my life!  I love how the small and simple things are bringing to past amazing results. It was transfers this week and i was a little worried about one of us leaving, but apparently i need to learn more from mi norweigy compy so we´re together still :) we did a little happy dance. 
Our investigator, Inussa, is doing so well! We were waiting for an opportunity to take him to a baptism so that he could pick out his baptismal date and after the closing prayer in one lesson, he said that he had picked out a baptismal date!! He wants to be baptized the 28th of June!! He told us the only reason he was unsure of a date was because he wasn´t sure that when we would leave the area, if he would be alone and no one would be there to help him. We loved expaining to him that there are missionaries and members who would continue to teach him and to make sure he´s doing just fine :) Each lesson we teach him, he accepts it and changes a little of his life so that he can live it. For example, he´s willing to live the law of tithing, fast, and fast offerings. I thought that this would be most difficult for him because he doesn´t have a job and for anyone with no job, giving 10% of what little you have would seem a big stretch. But he knows that this is all for the Lord and because of that, he will do it. Wow!! What an example for me and for many others. We´ve been teaching more of the life of Jesus Christ, because he knows that there is a God and that Jesus is our Savior, he just doesn´t know any sort of stories or teachings from the Bible. He has such interesting questions and so in one of our lessons we gave him a Bible and Principios Del Evangelio for his many questions. He also enjoyed the baptism in Cuatro Caminos, so I am very glad that his doubts are set aside. It reminds me of what President Christianson said when i was set apart. he said that i needed to learn the stories from the scriptures and while in the mtc i was confused and didn´t realy know where to start. i realized that yes, the stories from the book of mormon are the ones we need to go to, but for most investigators, they have need of the bible and i realize that i don´t know the bible as well as i thought!! i have lots of reading to do. for example, we are visiting these nigerians who ´´have found Christ´´ and ´´Christ is alive in me and I´m alive in Christ´´ and asks us, ´´when were you born into christ?´´ WHEW. it is really difficult to teach them because we really cant. they´re always up and down from their seats, trying to prove that our interpretations of certain stuff are wrong. i am always confused because, another example, they can´t answer a yes or no question. like, at all. we asked the same thing like 20 times until, well, we left. golly i can go on forever with these dudes. but they´re awesome. they feed us food and they love AFRICAN picante and i am always sweatin´a little whenever we leave. they´re always surprised that a white american can handle hot stuff. HA. sniff yep. i´ve learned from the best.
oh uncle doug! happy late birthday! i meant to send a letter...but i didn´t. forgive me :)
One small miracle this week was meeting a man named Adelson. We met him on the street and there he agreed to meet with us the next day. Teaching him is very interesting, for me, because he doesn´t really show any emotions and he´s very careful when he answers questions. He attended Stake Conference yesterday and was such a trooper. three hours of sitting!! at least he understood things. i sat for that long understanding the beginning...and the end. any whoo...we feel very good about him! He has a strong testimony of God and of Jesus Christ, and I feel that his questions, though unspoken, will be answered while he reads el Libro do Mormón. Which he is reading :)
Last Friday, all of the Barrio 6 missionaries had a dinner for our investigators. The ward was involved and we asked them that if they attended, they needed to bring a nonmember or a menos activo. It was a huge success!! We had food from different parts of the world and they watched to 20 minute José Smith movie. Adelson, though being an investigator, brought his sister and her daughter. Come to find out, his sister and her daughter are very good friends with some ward members! She had visited with missionaries before and was Jehova´s Witness, but I feel very good about this. Adelson doesn´t seem to follow any religion, so hopefully he´ll have a great experience with the Church and set that example for them!!
well, i love you guys!! stay awesome and stay strong. i pray for you and hope to hear from you soon (whitney where are my five page letters. where are dey.)
Hermana Smith
oh and have you received my letters? ask gma too. i sent her one.

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