Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013

Hola familia!!! oh and HAPPY FATHERS DAY!! We meant to celebrate it awesomely, but we were too busy knocking on doors and me kicking investigators. haha just kidding. actually not, just Inussa, cuz he says since i´m american, i´m gonna get so fat i won´t even be able to pick up my feet to walk. ESTE HOMBRE. plus i´m always eating pan de leche (this absolutely wonderful bread thing) whenever we see him. He even laughed at the thought of me running!! 
AARRGGGGHHHH!!! I tried telling him he´s giving me grey hairs. it doesn´t translate well in spanish. 
ahem. sorry. going on....
oh my this week was HOT. like REALLY HOT. like WAY WAY TOO HOT. 
and it´s june. 
madre mia.... (all the spaniards love using this phrase. its funny. reminds me of ABBA) i use it quite a bit and also ´´´no pasa nada´´. oh and ´´no sé´´ or ´´no entiendo´´. 
Ha, welp, not gonna lie, this week was a tough one. I was a little bit of a moody pants cuz of the heat and cuz we weren´t very busy. and my kind of busy is when we are booked with appointments and lessons. I have learned a lesson this week though: suck it up and go to work. oh and learning to have fun with everything. I felt that if we weren´t booked with lessons, then that means we aren´t successful as missionaries and i did NOT like that feeling!! I´ve had a talk with hermana hansen and munden (another missionary in the piso) and they said that contacting is all part of missionary work and why are you surprised that we go contacting, etc. duh, kinsey. its in our MISSIONARY PURPOSE and in our RECUERDE ESTO: INVITE OTHERS TO COME UNTO CHRIST. 
that is contacting. heehee. i know now :) But the great thing was terminating the week (terminar= to end. so we say terminate), looking at our weekly numbers and SEEING our numbers totalled. we could see that this week was our MOST successful week! I appreciated it mucho. I should´ve seen it coming. I think before my weeks were a little too unstressful and then BAM!! heavenly father pulls a whammy on me!! I´m grateful for this past week, because every small AND LONG trial will help me grow so much! By the end of my mission, i´m gonna be like 20 ft tall.
I am learning a great Christlike attribute from Hermana Hansen: patience! I don´t have a lot of patience for myself and sometimes for others, but mostly for myself. I never felt irritated about my spanish skills until this past week and Hermana Hansen was so amazing. She helped me and listened to me rant out my frustrations. and i ranted a lot. She even wrote a cute little note of encouragement to me in my planner. I love this girl. we´re gonna be neighbors one day. her boyfriend knut (like kenoot) got off his mission from england and we keep joking that he´s gonna set up his scottish companion with me. hahaa (remember mom, BIG FAT JOKE)
On a nicer note, Inussa has progressed so much. We have taught him all the lessons that we can before baptism from PME and now we are just teaching him more about Jesus Christ. Like I said last week, he doens´t know a lot about Jesus Christ, so I think any information we give him about Jesucristo, he absorbs. Just last night, we watched To This End Was I Born. It´s very dark, but very straight forward and plain. Oh, and we found out from him that his religious background is Muslim. But honestly, I don´t think he´s been a practicing Muslim for years. I thought that was very interesting. he´s a good man. i want all y´all to meet him. 
We have another investigator from Romania. His name is Gheorghe (something like that)....but in spanish it´s Jorge :) When we first started teaching him a couple of weeks ago, I thought he´d be one of those old stubborn European´s. But he´s soaked in everything that we´ve said and he said that he wanted to be baptized. He also has accepted each lesson we´ve given him, but many times we´ve been splitting them, because he likes to talk a lot. Oh and the europeans like to argue, so when we have a certain member with us in our lesson with them, its usually them arguing for about 75% of the lesson. at least i think they´re arguing, its just that when people talk here, they yell it and it sounds kind of angry sometimes....
We met a man on the street this past week and spoke to him for about an hour. Let me tell you, HE is a stubborn spaniard, madre mia... BUT! Hermana Hansen and I are a stubborn companionship!! He is a man in his 70´s and is grieving. His wife, who had a lot of belief, had died some time ago and he doesn´t want to believe anything. He won´t let us say prayers and he won´t take a book of mormon, but Hermana Hansen and I have so much faith in him. we think he has a book of mormon in his apartment, but he keeps changing his mind. We won´t be giving up. We can already see him as a very strong member of this church. I have to remember that I am a missionary and a Representative of Jesus Christ a lot whenever i´m around him. he keeps shoving his palm into my forehead HARD whenever i say, ´´ José, SABE QUE YO NO ENTIENDO. ´´ he also kept shoving his newspaper at us, so i took it and wrote a scripture in there for him (since he refused to take it) and shoved it back into his shirt pocket. It´s going to be a trying few weeks with him. but i´m having a ton of fun doing it ;)
I promise to send más fotos next week! I´m excited to hear from all of you with your written letters (AHEM- hint)! I hope you all remember how wonderful it is to be in this church, at this time. We are incredibly lucky to be the LATTER day saints, because it is the latter days. I remember a talk from elder holland and he talked about how a lot of missionaries will ask him when the second coming will happen. hahaaa his response was the best: ´´HELLO. Do you not know what the name of our church is?! it´s the church of Jesus Christ OF LATTER DAY SAINTS! We´re already there!´´ he is so right!! Events for the 2nd coming started when José smith had the first vision and when he translated the book of mormon. I love in Enos where Enos is praying to God with every fiber of his being and praying that the records be kept safe if the nefites were to fall into transgression. Read and study Enos! Everytime I read that book, I am reminded more and more of my purpose as a missionary. so much doctrine is squished into that one chapter.
i love you all so much!! i am SO grateful to be here and so happy. I am siempre tired, but its a happy tired:) i hope you all remember how much i love you and how much our Savior loves you. I have never been more closer to my savior and heavenly father than i have in these last few weeks. 
I pray for you all each and hope for the greatest success for this week. 
stay awesome!
loves y hugs
hermana smith
aka kinsey jo

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