Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26, 2013

Hola familia!! 
I think I say this every letter, but at every moment it´s true: this week has absolutely FLOWN BY. I´m glad your trip to see some cali coasts went well!! I have been receiving your pictures, every one of them, and I appreciate them so much. hang on, did you guys get a new car? or is that just a random car coming out of the tree? 
anywhoo...i literally was bawling (on the inside...we´re in a public library; i can´t make a scene) looking at the picures of m´leighs BEAUTIFUL RECEPTION and that WHITNEY IS GOING TO ITALY AND WE ARE GOING TO BE NEIGHBORS. I kid you not, i think i´m going to break some rules if she comes to the spain mtc for italy. kid. you. not. thats probably why presidents going to send me to the north or to the islands during christmas. haha ok not really. i can just see sister jackson reading this letter.... 
This week, I have been trying to work my hardest at being a successful missionary and it´s incredibly difficult when time is not on your side! Honestly, the devil and time are your worst enemies on the mission. Though, our written number goals don´t look like a lot of progress, we´ve worked more with the members and with our inactives and recent converts this week. I feel like, even though they may not be doing their part as members, we as missionaries still try. We have been TRYING and TRYING and TRYING to have the leaders show the missionary broadcast. We just can´t understand why our stake hasnt seen it. i mean, seriously, its a mini general conference! the Profet and Apóstoles are speaking to us DIRECTLY AS MEMBERS AND AS REPRESENTIVES OF JESUCRISTO. President´s working on him though. I´m so glad president jacksons american. It´s great that you are asking that dad, because the members are so incredibly vital in missionary work. As a bishop, I think that best thing you can do is to make sure the leaders are doing their job and also, to TEACH THEM the importance of what they saw in the broadcast. The things that they told us ARE NOT SUGGESTIONS. When an Apostal or the Profet SAY something, THEY EXPECT ACTION. Not only is it difficult here in spain, but its difficult in the states. I´m writing this elder in Kansas (long story about him but nada romantic...sheesh) but i liked what he said here, ´´So in your mission do you try to focus on getting more members involved since the world wide broadcast, that is what we are trying to do here, but the members just don't seem to be jumping on board, the youth answered the call to serve now it's up to the adults to answer the call to be member missionaries. So sometimes I say to myself "Come on members, pick up the phone already!" ´´ EXACTAMENTE, elder black! well said! I second what Bishop Tidwell told me about you dad, he said that he´s sad to be released, but that ´´your dad has talents that i don´t have and that the ward needs now´´ and thats so true. if anyone can get people to work and to understand the importance of it, thats you. You have been specifically called as Bishop at this time so that you can lead these members into action!! 
This week, i have tried to focus more on families and their attendance to sacrament. I have felt that utmost need for their salvation. It´s difficult to witness them not partake of something absolutely wonderful. I was talking with Hermana Stepp and she was asking me what is my mini mission. I didn´t understand her at first, but she explained that a mini mission is a personal mission you have as well as the mission you´re in right now. When she asked that, I told her my mission was just to be an obedient missionary and thats all i needed to focus on. Now, I feel like it´s more focused on bringing those families to the temple. 
I´m by far not a perfect missionary, but like Elder Holland said, we are all the Lord has and I am willing and striving to be that obedient missionary, so that I feel in my heart that I´ve done my part and I can feel the Lord´s approval, like the scripture say´s, ´´Well done, my good and faithful servant´´. 
I love you all very much!! keep up the awesome work and GOD BE WITH YOU ´TIL WE MEET AGAIN!! (when his blah blah guide up hoooooold you.....something blah blah blah securly fooooooooolld you....)
Hermana Smith

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