Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5, 2013

HAAAPPPY BIIIRRTTHHDDAAAYY DADDY!! We celebrated your birthday by fasting. I hope your cake was good!!
Hola Familia!!
I hope life is going spectacular and you are enjoying the hot weather. we´ve been enjoying our time in the heat too. i´ve got some nice tanlines to show off the fruits of my labors. 
This week was really good and it has been a good process with the whole companionship changes. i´ve finally got my ´´sea legs´´ on so things were going smoother! 
to start off the week, we taught this family from the area book and when we showed up, it was a full house!! they´re a couple with their 10 year old daughter and then they had friends over, so i got a little nervous with the huge crowd, but it turned out really well. they like our church, but when they had gone to church, they didn´t like how things were done. we decided to share 3 nefi 11:14 with them and we talked about Christ and man was that a quiet room!! it was absolultely amazing being able to bare testimony of Jesus Christ and His Atonement. its absolutely amazing because my spanish is dang good when i´m speaking in lessons and on the streets but every other time, i am that 5 month old missionary learning spanish. something hermana stepp said was great (because her spanish is almost as bad as mine). she was talking to mtc missionarys and their usual questions are about the spanish progression and she said, ´´i speak really good spanish when i have the spirit with me!´´ and how true is that! i don´t worry about my spanish really. i know that as long as i´m an obedient missionary and do the work i am assigned to do, i have nothing to worry about. when i am in a trouble-ish situation, i don´t worry about it. i mean ya i do but i know i have the greatest companions on my side and no one can fight that.
we had a great zone training meeting (this one didn´t last for 4 hours) and it was great. they´ve asked us to focus more on families because our goal for baptism is 1000 and we can reach that goal with families. we´ve been really praying for family opportunities and also focusing more on our less active families and the families that are investigating the church. its a little difficult because we like to contact small groups and not feel like the center of attention, but we gotta do what the Lord wants us to do! its a great opportunity to grow as a missionary. 
oh my gosh, i AM SO LOVING THE MISSION!!! its hard and difficult and sometimes i wanna just sit on a bench and watch people walk past, but i always think of what hermana hansen said to me about rejection from people ´´its ok. when we die and go to the spirit world, they´ll be there and they´ll thank us for trying.´´ wow. how powerful. then i thought of what would happen if they came up to me afterwards and said, ´´why didn´t you talk to me??´´ AH i get this fat panic feeling in my chest!!! because its so true! This work that we are doing is an Eternal work. Souls are at risk here!! Hermana stepp says this same phrase when people ask us where we´re going: we´re going to save some souls!! i always rolled my eyes at that remark, but its true. as cliché as it sounds, its true. 
Thank you for all of your kind words and encouragement. Know that each of your letter uplifts me more each week. I´m sorry I can´t answer all your questions, but if you´d like, write them down and send them with the package!! And speaking of package....mommy? Can you stick in: white v necks hanes or fruit of the loom (or whatever its called) package in small and medium. they´re in walmart :) also, i want más fotosof friends and family! 
oh and 
-German chocolate cake mix and/or white/yellow cake mix
-Concealer stick Covergirl + Olay 320 fair/light
-Zebra pens (jason will know what i´m talking about)
-reeses :D
oh and dad and jason? can you stick the new bible videos on a dvd for me? they´re great help for our investigators and we wished we had more access to them. 
thats all!!! i love you guys sooooooooooooo much!! You are my!!
and no i don´t go shopping shopping shopping every week. 
but i did today because i´m wearing the same 3 shirts in a row everyday. its getting a little stinky and old. 
Hermana Esmit
oh and i heard that i can order a chapa with Esmit on it!! AH YEAH!
Oh and can you ask mama bert if she knows Sister Stepp from the family history center? she worked on the 2nd floor. our grandmothers might know eachother!!

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