Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7, 2013

Hey familia!! 
Thanks for your wonderful and encouraging letters. They are greatly appreciated! I want you all to know that I have literally felt your prayers on my behalf and am so grateful for them:) 
This week has flllooooowwwwwwnnnnnn and it shocks me to know that transfers are right around the corner! I am so grateful for the opportunity that I had to listen to conference (except the last session) and to hear and feel the words of the prophet and his apostles. Can I just tell ya? That line from Elder Bednar...Hermana Stepp and i have changed the words up a little for Barrio 6....´´If you are praying for missionary opportunities, then I [thank] you. But, if you aren´t praying for missionary opportunities, I advize you to rethink your ways and REPENT."
WWWOOOOOWWWW. ouch. man. i was cheering that man on. Every talk was defintitely revelation from God. I had a bunch of questions and Hna Stepp and I would talk about them a lot. Then they were mentioned or talked about in Conference! I can´t wait to get my hands on a Liahona. We know of some people who´ll need this.
I don´t have a lot of time today, but I hope you know how much I LOVE YOU ALL. Each one of you have a special little spot in my heart! I have been thinking a lot about being a successful missionary and what that means. I thought of a lot of things, but it all comes down to love. If I love them, pray for them, worry for them, study for them, help them, then there is no way where they cannot say no. I have been studying a lot about humility. Claro, every person needs humility and more each day, but I felt prompted to study more on it. And you know what I found out ? I need to rethink MY ways and repent. But instead of feeling a burden for that, I feel uplifted. Like someone said in GC, repentence is NOT a punishment! I felt so much better and free-er. Because me declaring repentence to la gente de españa is not a punishment. it is a privilege! I love you all soooooooo very much. and excuse my preaching to you. i get into these little tangents sometimes. 
loves y hugs!! hopefully next week you´ll read of where i´m going!!!
hermana smith

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