Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16, 2014

Hey family!!! 
This week was probably the most miraculous week in my mission! When I say miraculous, I mean that it was just filled with little miracles! We had so many spiritual experiences, words can´t even describe them.
Our first greatest miracle is named Bulgarian miracle, or Peter. We were talking to a lovely old couple on the street when a Peter started talking to me in english! He told us he´s seen us twice this past week from afar and new we were NOT spanish. We talked with him about the gospel and the plan of salvation for 2 hours after that. We contacted Peter on Friday and have seen him each day since, each talking about the gospel and the plan of salvation. The first day we met him, we gave him a tour of the church and we so happened to have church material and a bom and triple in bulgarian. He took it all home to read and study it. we keep pinching ourselves, it´s like a dream!! he asks the right questions and he´s still going strong. Peter loves meeting with us! When he brought the church material home, he told me his mom had robbed it all and the book of mormon! He said his mom was reading them all! We had a lesson with him and his mom last night and she had SO many questions about the plan of salvation. She had studied the whole pamphlet! It was so amazing to use the scriptures and to testify to her. She had a lot of questions about the 3 degrees of glory and she felt at peace to know all this. We can´t see them today but we´ll see them tomorrow. Tomorrow, we´re going to go over lesson 2 and invite them to baptism. We feel that we´re at the beginning of a wonderful journey for them and for us. I have grown so much to love the gospel even more just from being with them. I´ll end with this because I can go on forever about them! I literally have given thanks each day to my Heavenly Father for putting him and his mother in our path. Thank you so much for all your prayers. This is definitely an answer from a loving Father in Heaven!
We had another great spiritual experience with an investigator named Edith and her son, Jonathon. So Edith has a lot of bad health and she has had a lot of trouble with her legs since she´s been a teenager. She started crying in our lesson on friday, telling us that she fears going anywhere by herself because she thinks she´ll hurt herself. Instead of teaching what we had planned, we felt impressed to talk again about the restored priesthood. We told her that there are worthy men that hold the priesthood that could give her a blessing of health and comfort. The next morning, we had a member and his wife come to perform the blessing and the room was just FILLED with the Spirit. She was crying throughout the blessing and you couldn´t NOT feel it! It was really an experience to never forget.
I´ve been getting little updates from hermana caballero about the people in Las Palmas and it makes me so happy to know that the work is doing so well there and Alex blessed the sacrament!! I´m so happy for him!! And yasmina!!! She´s getting married and her 8 year old daughter got baptized on friday!! That whole family will soon be baptized. Its really amazing, missionary work. It reminds me of a scripture that I haven´t been able to find but it talks about the joy it brings of helping souls come unto Christ. I feel that same burning feeling in my heart. With Hermana Clay ending her mission, I have never been so aware of how important this work is and how SHORT our time is. I love this work! I am so happy and proud to wear this chapa. 
well, family! I´m off!! Happy fathers day to all daddy´s!!! I actually sang in church on sunday and it went really well. I sang for you daddy! Transfers are this week and I´ll have my last companion. I actually asked president that he wouldn´t give me a ´´dying´´ missionary. I just want to work work work!! 
love ya!! you´re in my prayers, always!!
Hermana Smith

´´Es el amor que nos lleva´´.

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