Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23, 2014

Wow, family. BIG CHANGES!!
1. Cuenca got whitewashed. They´re bringing a trio of elders in. Thats better because there´s only 2 worthy priesthood holders in the branch, haha. 
2. I´ll serve in Alcalá, a little bit out of madrid centro. 
3. My companion will be Hermana Johns and I think this´ll be her second area. I talked to her on the phone and she sounds like an angel! I´m excited to be with her.
4. we´re whitewashing Alcalá
5. I´m STL, which means Sister Training Leader. Its not training a baby missionary...but I do exchanges with each hermana in my zone. Its like a district leader or zone leader. algo así. 
6. My prayers were answered!! I will be working my tail off these next couple of weeks!! 

So i´m waiting for my new compy and I¨m on splits with hermana fowers...again. hahahaa we see each other too much. 

Another thought, I love how in your emails you always say, ´´oh dad or mom will probably tell you all about it so i wont say anything.´´. COMMUNICATION people! I don´t get anything from anyone! hahahaa!!! 

My last wonderful week in Cuenca was good but we were not able to see Peter, our bulgarian miracle. He´s getting a divorce with his wife and he´s super sad. He hasn´t had any desire to leave the house or to meet with anyone. It was sad for us to leave but I know that the elders will do a wonderful job teaching him and his mom. He told us that he doesn´t want them to call him. I think and feel that with time things will go well. Plus Hermana Clay will be in contact with him through facebook and she told me she´s planning on preparing him and his mom that way too :) Haha. 
We were able to see some progression in our investigators and we have some people who have a lot of potential! We have a friend from english class named Fernando and he loves coming to sacrament meeting and participating with us. The rama loves him and they can´t wait until he´s converted to the Gospel. Haha! They keep on talking about that. Honestly, its sad, but he does more service for us then any other member. Sometimes I think that some members feel like they don´t have to go out of their way to help people because we have perfect organizations for that in the church. Hermana Clay and I were talking about that and we both have set a goal to be like Fernando and to accept EVERYONE and to serve EVERYONE and to love EVERYONE and to go out of our way for EVERYONE. He definitely takes ´´Love thy neighbor as thyself´´ (or however it is) very seriously. He told us he´s going to italy in august to help an italian priest/father build buildings and paint and help the youth stay away from the Mafia. Haha. Oh Fernando. 

It was a wonderful transfer in Cuenca and I will never forget it. I learned a lot about loving others and focusing on the Spirit with Hermana Clay. I´m very excited for her to help her family out at home. She´s going to see these miracles accure! 

Mom, Dad, we definitely have quite a few people wanting to meet you in Cuenca!! Get ready for lots of love and hugs! 

I love you family! I´ll find out my address today and i´ll let you know next week. Stay awesome and be good!
Hermana Smith

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