Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2, 2014

Hey fam! don´t have a lot of time. I´ll probs expain more next week.

This week was great! I went up to madrid!! to my old area!! Plus i had a chitchat with hermana fowers and it was SOOOOO nice and very much needed. we´re doing intercambios today so i get her to myself :D heheheheee. it was such a good experience to participate in Zone conference and all the messages were great and inspired. they mostly focused on Christs love and how we need to show our love in him by being better at missionary work and being obedient and all that jazz. my pen was flying, I was trying to write down all these thoughts and impressions! It really made me think of how i was doing with loving others. I´ve been trying to focus more on loving my contacts in the streets and imagine these people in white. It´s been really good and we´ve been able to have a bit more lessons! 
We started teaching this family from colombia and they´re amazing!! We contacted the son, jonathon, while he was walking his dogs (weiner dogs--I DIED OF CUTENESS) and we asked to explain more and he said that we could stop by the next day and teach them! When we met with them, his mom, Edith, told us her experiences with the missionaries in colombia and how she loved them. She said she was so excited that her son finally was contacted by the missionaries!! It was really quite a miracle. We´ve mostly talked about the book of mormon and the son has read what we´ve given them. We have a lot of hope for them. Edith has a lot of health problems and can´t walk sometimes but I actually just thought of maybe, when we talk about the restoration and authority, we could give her a blessing. I really think that will be a testimony strengthening experience.
We contacted this other lady and her daughter from ecuador and they´re wonderful. They have a lot of interest in coming to church and of learning more. We´ve only had one lesson with her but we feel that she just needs some friends from the church and everything else will run its course :)
They also talked about our attitude in conference and how it should be a positive one. I´ve been trying to change my attitude, like we talked about in the conference, especially while contacting. A lot of people will just reject us and normally I just brush it off and go to the next person. But lately, I´ve been thinking about WHY we were being rejected, because we weren´t doing anything wrong. And then I just felt really sad. I felt really sad that no one was accepting this message and that they´ll reap what they sow type of deal. I then thought of the Savior and how he was completely rejected in every way and how he carried on. That honestly changed my attitude. It changed my way of thinking and teaching. I could feel this urgency in my body, that they HAD to accept this message because it is the key to their salvation! Its really helped me a lot, because I can teach more clearly now. I´ve been trying to just tweak a bit of everything so that we can help these children of God progress!! What a blessing it truly is to do the Lord´s work. I hear a lot that we do the dirty work of missionary, but this dirty work is fun! It´s such a privilage to be wearing this chapa. 
well family! my time is running down. I love you! thanks for your love and support. sorry i didn´t write down as much as usual (ha) but until next week!
Hermana Smith

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